Hello, all!

I created a command line tool that uses dynamic libraries to do different kinds 
of text processing so you can create a processor in your own tree.

Getting nimble to package it was workable but kind of nontrivial so I thought 
I'd share. I've got a plugin folder with .nimf files that will expose an 
interface, and the following .nimble
    # mytool.nimble
    version       = "0.1.0"
    author        = "Me Myself I"
    description   = "A command line tool with some build in dynamic libraries"
    license       = "MIT"
    bin           = @["mytool"]
    backend       = "c"
    installExt    = @["nim", "nimf", "nims", "so", "dylib", "dll"]
    requires "nim >= 1.0.0"
    import os, strutils
    before build:
      for file in listFiles( "plugins" ):
        if file[^5 .. ^1] == ".nimf":
          echo "Building " & file
          let cmd = "nim " & backend & " --app:lib" & " -o:" & (DynlibFormat % 
("mytool" & lastPathPart(file)[0 .. ^6])) & " " & file
          echo cmd
          exec cmd

So now dynamic lib is built and installed alongside the binary (but not 
symlinked anywhere). On Windows that's all there is to it, but linux and OSX 
need some linker options in the main binary so its directory is in the load path
    # mytool.nims
    when defined(macosx):
      switch("passL", "-rpath @loader_path") # researched but untested, can you 
    elif defined(posix):
      switch("passL", "-Wl,-rpath,\\$ORIGIN")

I believe the nim core developers have a very long to do list that is 
occasionally made even longer by interesting ideas from the commun ity. I am 
happy to oblige! :)

  * I would love to have a nim switch that will generate platform specific 
linker options to load dynlibs from binary's location, like on

Windows. This could be considered as default behavior for nim programs.

  * I would love to have a dynlib build target, analogous to binary, that 
builds and copies but does not link dynlibs, and a well-known lo

cation in the directory structure

Thanks for reading! Carlo 

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