> Try to find qrencode library this way ;).
Takes me 3 seconds:
Open Vim, :e foo.nix :tjump qr<tab>

See ctagsWrapped it knows about nix keys.
Then you can tag the whole nixpkgs easily using
ctags -R .

> Probably we should drop the tree structure (reduce the number of 
> categories?) and replace it by search tags + tools to query these tags.
The hard work will be finding policies for "tags" but probably we should
just get started because it scales much better in the long run. How
much tagging do you want?

Things which can come to mind (incomplete list):
haskell_lib.meta.tags = ['haskell' 'haskell-98-only' 'ghc-6.12-compatible' 
'ghc-7.x-comptable' 'graphic' 'ffi' 'glue-code']

Note the *compatible tools which can also be used for assertions and
such ..

Marc Weber
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