
I tried using the new reviewboard, but I got a 500 error when creating my review request. So I attach two NixOS patches here, and hope they won't get lost.

0002-OpenSSH-Added-hostKeyPath-option.patch - A option for specifying which host key file the OpenSSH daemon should use. If this file is not in place when the daemon starts, a key is generated (as before).

0003-OpenSSH-Added-option-for-system-wide-known-hosts.patch - An option for specifying public SSH keys for hosts on your network, that are added to the system-wide known_hosts file for OpenSSH.

  Rickard Nilsson

Attachment: 0002-OpenSSH-Added-hostKeyPath-option.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0003-OpenSSH-Added-option-for-system-wide-known-hosts.patch
Description: Binary data

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