2012/6/8 Michael Raskin <7c6f4...@mail.ru>

> >> The question was how would the patch get into an official _NixPkgs_
> >> repository - it looks like there is currently no process in place.
> >Well, as I can see, Eelco is accepting pull requests on GitHub (although
> >there is a bunch of pretty old pending requests in NixOS/nixpkgs), so, I
> >guess this should work.
> There are _zero_ accepted pull requests and no clarity...

There are some in NixOS/nix.

I believe one day those requests will be accepted.
For now, if you have an urgent patch, contacting members of NixOS
organisation (AFAIK, they all have push access) directly seems to be the
best option.

Кирилл Елагин
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