>>>Calculating the transitive closure for all nixos modules / services run by
>>>systemd is one way to prioritize.  A populatiry contest could be added to
>> Maybe having a channel which is a subset of the main channel and
>> includes at least ssh, apache, nginx, postgresql, mysql, and some ftp
>> server would be a nice start?
>How are people supposed to use that channel?
>I don't think I can _add_ a secondary channel which provides a
>conflicting source (nixos). Switching back and forth doesn't sound
>Also, this would just make your system start to build all the additional
>packages (not built by this new channel) by itself. No matter how much
>stuff gets pre-built, a channel always contains a specific nixpkgs
>version, so with or without binary archives, a nixos-rebuild _will_
>build everything for that release.

This will be a channel for server systems. You will checkout master and
do a rebuild, and this channel would provide you with prebuilt packages 
for most of your server needs.

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