Somebody does not like merges because it makes the history "less clean".
However, just today, I encountered a case where the merge was needed for
a revert.

The good thing about the green merge button is that:
1) It retains a message about the PR. So you have information if you
need to do a revert.
2) If it's a multi-commit PR, you may need to revert multiple commits.
Without merge this information is lost.

For manual merges, yes it's very inconvenient. In theory one should either:
1) Edit every commit message saying that it was part of a given PR
2) or create a local branch mirroring the requester branch
In both cases it's annoying.

However for anti-merge people, it may make the history less clean for
you, but the lose of information is not worth it in my opinion. So I
please everyone, if you can choose to have a merge commit, please keep it.

Best regards,
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