On 2014-12-27 09:57, Michael Raskin wrote:
>> I'm afraid I fail to see how S6 is better than systemd, except that the
>> author is totally worried about the future of Linux with systemd.
> S6 has logging without the unfixable bugs of JournalD
> S6 doesn't insist on breaking xinit/startx-like functionality.
> S6 doesn't barf if you put your swap into fstab.
> SystemD has its unique WONTFIX bugs that no other init system shares
> (sometimes not even UseLessD, although it is a minimalistic fork of
> SystemD).
> For me these bugs are showstoppers. I recently had a task at work that
> was _much_ simpler by running 3 identical X servers.

Please provide links to specific criticsms, bugs, etc. rather than just
speaking in generalities.

How does systemd "insist on breaking xinit/startx-like functionality",
for instance? Are there open WONTFIX bugs on it? If so, please link.

You haven't backed up "bart if you put your swap into fstab".

(And so on.)

I don't particularly care whether you personally like or dislike
systemd, but can we please at least keep critism founded on some sort of
factual basis rather than just asserting things? (Links to bug reports,

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