With ...grub.enable(Cryptodisk) set to true, and ...grub.device to
"/dev/sda", running nixos-install gives me the following error:

" ...grub-2.02-git/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/modinfo.sh doesn't exist, please
specify --target or --directory"

This is because the .iso doesn't contain nix's grub-efi package (which most
distros include with grub). So after installing grub-efi, copy&pasting the
x86_64-efi directory from grub-efi to grub, and running nixos-install
again, I get another error:

"Cannot find EFI directory"

(I tried setting boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint =/mnt/boot, but nothing
changed) So I comment out the grub related options from configuration.nix,
rerun nixos-install (everything goes well), and try to manually run

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/mnt/boot
--bootloader-id=nixos-grub --recheck /dev/sda

Still no luck. I get an:

"Cannot find canonical path to tmpfs"

After some research I added


which fixed the errors, even though that's supposed to be depreciated.
Sadly when running

grub-mkconfig -o /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg

I get the same error about tmpfs (which running in chroot didn't fix). Any
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