Oh that looks useful. Perhaps I can set slew for all time, since I don't expect my servers to ever be offline.

On 21/05/2015 1:13 AM, Domen Kožar wrote:
Running ntp with slew flag -x should give you same results as Google does.

To test a leap second before 30. June: https://access.redhat.com/articles/199563

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Roger Qiu <roger....@polycademy.com <mailto:roger....@polycademy.com>> wrote:

    I wonder why don't they add a patch to NTP to do what Google/AWS
    does with the leap second so we all don't have to face the problem.

    On 20/05/2015 1:54 AM, "Domen Kožar" <do...@dev.si
    <mailto:do...@dev.si>> wrote:

        Yeah, leap second(s) are a big issue since that's the code
        that nobody really tests. NixOS is going to have as much
        problems as the software you're running has bugs.

        Google is smart here, they're adding microseconds over a
        longer span of time via their NTP, so the extra second doesn't
        disrupt any services and is synced with the rest of the world
        at the "switch" time.

        On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 1:19 PM, Roger Qiu
        <roger....@polycademy.com <mailto:roger....@polycademy.com>>


            On 19/05/2015 8:06 PM, "Kirill Elagin"
            <kirela...@gmail.com <mailto:kirela...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                What is exactly the issue with this leap second, and
                what do you mean by NixOS being affected?

                On Tue, May 19, 2015, 11:56 Roger Qiu
                <mailto:roger....@polycademy.com>> wrote:

                    Will NixOS be affected by the leap second issue
                    that's coming up on June
                    30 2015?

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