On 24/06/2015 15:32, Fabien Bourgeois wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm a newcomer to Nix ecosystem and am theoretically really pleased 
> about manuals and articles I've read about it.
> I will really soon give it a try and if tests fulfill my needs, I'd like 
> to be able to use NixOS "everywhere" (workstations, servers). I have 
> some questions about using NixOS on servers machines in production (I 
> guess this list is not exhaustive : 
> https://nixos.org/wiki/Nix%28OS%29_in_production )
> 1) Have you experiences about using NixOS on physical or virtual servers 
> ? Do you have some advice to share ?
I use on physical personal server. Advice: do it the nix way. Also
modularize your configuration, it's usually quite big for a server. Put
some efforts into writing reusable and isolated nix/nixos code, it will
pay off back.
> 2) Do you follow stable or unstable channel ? Why ? (security, stability...)
Unstable, being a personal server I prefer to have some recent kernels
to test new stuff on. Never had a problem but unless you follow the
development I wouldn't suggest it for a production server.
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