I often find myself on the Arch wiki and porting the content to apply to my
NixOS setup. Perhaps that would be a systematic way to start, consider it a
port. Take some of the most commonly used Arch wiki pages and make NixOS
versions. It would also establish a structure to the wiki.

>But I think eventually
>things will tip in favor of the wiki, and >NixOS' wiki will be as great
>as Arch and Gentoo (also an excellent >wiki, and a much smaller community
>than Arch).  I also think that >thematically NixOS will have much in
>common with these two wikis (the >issues in maintaining these systems are
>similar).  So, I would look at Arch and >Gentoo Wikis not as contrasting
>examples, but as a projection of the >NixOS wiki in the future.
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