I'm not sure I understand this correctly. Do you want to put keys into the

2016-05-08 20:54 GMT+01:00 Игорь Пашев <pashev.i...@gmail.com>:

> Simple way to keep the keys on reboot.
> /run/keys is mounted somewhere in initrd,
> thus just a couple of services
> (I was thinking about on-disk /run/keys)
> { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
> let
>   inherit (builtins) attrNames;
>   inherit (lib) mkIf concatMapStringsSep;
>   inherit (config.deployment) keys;
>   store = "/root/keys";
>   runkeys = "/run/keys";
>   load = pkgs.writeBashScript "nixops-load-keys" ''
>     set -euo pipefail
>     if [ -e '${store}/done' ] && [ ! -e '${runkeys}/done' ]; then
>       cd '${store}'
>       cp -pf -- ${concatMapStringsSep " " (k: "'${k}'") (attrNames keys)} \
>         '${runkeys}/' || exit 0
>       touch -r '${store}/done' '${runkeys}/done'
>     fi
>   '';
>   save = pkgs.writeBashScript "nixops-save-keys" ''
>     set -euo pipefail
>     while true; do
>       if [ -e '${runkeys}/done' ]; then
>         if [ ! -e '${store}/done' ] || [ '${runkeys}/done' -nt
> '${store}/done' ] ; then
>           rm -rf '${store}'
>           mkdir -p '${store}'
>           chown --reference='${runkeys}' -- '${store}'
>           chmod --reference='${runkeys}' -- '${store}'
>           cd '${runkeys}'
>           cp -pf -- ${concatMapStringsSep " " (k: "'${k}'") (attrNames
> keys)} \
>             '${store}/' || continue
>           touch -r '${runkeys}/done' '${store}/done'
>           touch -r '${runkeys}' '${store}'
>         fi
>       fi
>       sleep 1m
>     done
>   '';
> in {
>   config = mkIf (keys != {}) {
>     systemd.services.nixops-load-keys = {
>       description = "Re-load nixops keys after reboot";
>       before = [ "nixops-keys.service" ];
>       wantedBy = [ "keys.target" ];
>       unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [ runkeys store ];
>       serviceConfig = {
>         ExecStart = load;
>         Type = "oneshot";
>         RemainAfterExit = false;
>       };
>     };
>     systemd.services.nixops-save-keys = {
>       description = "Save nixops keys to re-load after reboot";
>       after = [ "keys.target" ];
>       wantedBy = [ "keys.target" ];
>       serviceConfig = {
>         ExecStart = save;
>         Restart = "always";
>       };
>     };
>   };
> }
> P. S. writeBashScript:
> { bash, writeScript, haskellPackages, runCommand }:
> name: text:
> let
>   f = writeScript name ''
>     #!${bash}/bin/bash
>     ${text}
>   '';
> in
> runCommand name { } ''
>   ${haskellPackages.ShellCheck}/bin/shellcheck ${f}
>   cp -a ${f} $out
> ''
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