
On 05/21/2016 04:00 PM, Sergey Mironov wrote:
> [...] Unfortunately, all the one-click-install packages are 404.
> Could you help me to understand what is happening? Which settings do
> people normally use at the moment?

I've got no idea about what people normally use. Perhaps most of them
update more often.

Instead of one-click-install, I'd use the desired path directly
nix-store --realize /nix/store/mf9ha2d0yz599wx3aw5r0wdzyk5f8lf7-nix-1.11.2
(That should be possible since using binary caches.)

I expect it isn't enough to have new nix to evaluate the expressions but
also running as nix-daemon. Therefore, I suggest you first update your
system without firefox, getting rid of the error and then you can
continue normally, adding it, etc.

That should be possible in revisions after util-linux using sha256 again


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