Hi all,
I have been attempting to use gitFetchPrivate to fetch from a private bitbucket 
repo over SSH, on both Ubuntu running Nix and on NixOS. I am able to get the 
setup working on Ubuntu.

- Set up SSH-Agent the usual way.
- Ensure that `git clone 
ssh://g...@bitbucket.domain.com:<port>/<user>/<repo>.git` works, it does
- Use `nix-shell -I ssh-config-file=$HOME/.ssh/config -I 
ssh-auth-sock=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK`, with a local shell.nix specifying requirements

However, I am unable to repeat the process on a NixOS machine.

    gil@gil-nixos:~/proj/pylx $ git clone 
    <This works>

    gil@gil-nixos:~/proj/pylx $ nix-shell -I ssh-config-file=$HOME/.ssh/config 
-I ssh-auth-sock=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK
    these derivations will be built:
    building path(s) 
    building path(s) 
    building path(s) 
    exporting ssh://git@bitbucket.<DOMAIN>:7999/~<USER>/milx-view.git (rev 
585a8195804) into /nix/store/ra27851hlszq1k0n9zfa14xwhxqvn8zs-milx-view-585a819
    Initialized empty Git repository in 
    Can't open user config file /home/gil/.ssh/config: Permission denied
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
    unpacking sources
    unpacking source archive 
    Can't open user config file /home/gil/.ssh/config: Permission denied
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.
    Unable to checkout 585a8195804 from 
    builder for 
‘/nix/store/sb7xc3pan2h7n1qdh94ynblb9cv12a3p-milx-view-585a819.drv’ failed with 
exit code 1
    cannot build derivation 
‘/nix/store/dzh8jzl90ghsl0l71p9v2zqzh9wn2ngb-milx-view.drv’: 1 dependencies 
couldn't be built
    error: build of ‘/nix/store/dzh8jzl90ghsl0l71p9v2zqzh9wn2ngb-milx-view.drv’ 
    /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-shell: failed to build all dependencies

With the relevant line being:
    Can't open user config file /home/gil/.ssh/config: Permission denied

Probably a nixbld user is trying to access this? I am not actually sure if my 
nixpkgs are built by my user or by nixbld. How can I tell? `cat /etc/passwd` 
indicates that the nixbld users exist.

I have attempted to follow instructions for setting up gitFetchPrivate for 
multi-user installations (but again, not even sure this is what I have - I just 
installed the simplest way), but to no avail (although the instructions are 
somewhat unclear).

Thanks for any help,
Ashley Gillman (Ash)
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