The number of machines is too large to have a nix store on each of them,
both in terms of maintenance as well as storage.
Some of these machines are clusters so NFS is necessary at least within
cluster nodes.


On 01/07/16 15:21, Domen Kožar wrote:
> In my experience, NFS is not worth the trouble. Are you absolutely sure
> that you need it?
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Renato Alves <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi everyone,
>     Recently I've been trying to setup nix on a multiple-machine shared
>     environment. At the moment I have one machine setup with nix-daemon
>     running from a store in a custom location (/shared/myuser/nix). This
>     location is shared via NFS with several other machines. This is all
>     still pretty new to me as I've only recently started using nix and
>     haven't used nixos yet.
>     Before setting up nix-daemon I ran into some problems with database
>     corruption (sqlite) due to concurrent processes. With nix-daemon these
>     have gone away.
>     One limitation that I identified recently is that on any of the other
>     machines that do not have nix-daemon running (but have read access to
>     the store) I can run commands from the store without problems but
>     cannot, for instance, use nix-shell.
>     So I thought of spawning a nix-daemon instance on those machines but I'm
>     not sure what is the best way to set it up without risking DB corruption
>     again.
>     These are the requirements I'd like to meet:
>      * /shared/myuser/nix is shared across multiple machines with the same
>     architecture (x86_64-linux).
>      * All machines should be able to use nix-shell or any nix related
>     command, including requesting installation of packages.
>      * Only some machines are allowed to compile. Machines that are not
>     allowed should rely on something like remote-systems.conf to distribute
>     work.
>     Is this kind of setup currently possible with nix? If so, can someone
>     provide some guidance?
>     Thanks,
>     Renato
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