Kosyrev Serge <_deepf...@feelingofgreen.ru> writes:
> What I see is this:

Whoops!  I'm afraid last minute changes slightly broke formatting..

Here goes the fixed version:

[deepfire@andromedae:~]$ nix-analyze-rootlike glibc; echo; nix-analyze-rootlike 
; analyzing "/nix/store/*-glibc-*" (minus noise)
referrers       | disc  | correlation to profile
closure direct  | size  | user  system
1073    807     | 22M   | 109   25      
210     165     | 22M   | 0     0       
159     22      | 34M   | 0     0       
5       5       | 22M   | 0     0       

; analyzing "/nix/store/*-gcc-*" (minus noise)
referrers       | disc  | correlation to profile
closure direct  | size  | user  system
388     10      | 116M  | 42    8       
148     5       | 91M   | 0     0       
7       2       | 116M  | 0     0       

с уважениeм / respectfully / Z poważaniem,
Косырев Сергей
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