Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 9b382b10d7d861f1dfc9ce88db7bd80d54b7553b
  Author: aszlig <>
  Date:   2016-09-22 (Thu, 22 Sep 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M nix/ssh-tunnel.nix

  Log Message:
  nix/ssh-tunnel: Prevent IPv6 address generation

This is a regression with kernel versions 4.5 or later which causes a
SSH tunnel to drop packets within the receiving end of the OpenSSH
server loop, more exactly: They don't get reinserted into the tun device
after being received via the encrypted stream.

A strace of two ICMPv4 packets coming in (FD 3 is the encrypted socket):

read(3, "Mp-\v[\t\300"..., 16384) = 124
select(14, [3 5 8], [], NULL, NULL)     = 1 (in [3])
read(3, "jm\17t\222"..., 16384) = 124
select(14, [3 5 8], [], NULL, NULL)     = 1 (in [3])

I haven't found the exact culprit on why OpenSSH doesn't send the packet
back into the tun device, but after countless hours of debugging and
doing a bisect against the kernel, I found that the commit which causes
the regression is torvalds/linux@cc9da6cc4f56e05cc9e591459fe0192727ff58b3.

The bug has already been reported upstream at:

While the final fix for this issue is still not clear on the kernel
front, we can do our own part to mitigate this:

We don't use IPv6 for SSH tunnels anyway, so we can safely disable IPv6
address autogeneration for them.

I've switched to iproute instead of nettools because it allows for more
fine-grained control (setting addrgenmode with ifconfing is not possible

Also, I've linked the commands via && instead of using semicolons to
ensure that we get a unit failure if one of the commands along the chain
should fail.

Signed-off-by: aszlig <>

  Commit: 322e85fe268e4d4bbd5ce739f47299fdbc5ee0c3
  Author: Rob Vermaas <>
  Date:   2016-12-13 (Tue, 13 Dec 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M nix/ssh-tunnel.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #508 from aszlig/fix-ssh-tunnels-with-kernel-4.5

nix/ssh-tunnel: Prevent IPv6 address generation

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