Hi. I've just fixed and completed the ./unstack.sh script, allowing
users to generate Nix expressions for entire Haskell stack project
(and its dependencies). The URL is the same



PS Please let me know if there is another tool for this task
(cabal2nix? stack itself?)

2017-01-10 13:20 GMT+03:00 Sergey Mironov <grr...@gmail.com>:
>>> I am to package Stack project which
>>>   1) depends on old lts-2.21 package set from stackage
>>>   2) doesn't have .cabals anymore, only .yamls.
>>> The question is basically How to do it?
>> Run "hpack" to generate the Cabal files. Then run "cabal2nix" to
>> generate the Nix files. Add those Nix builds to Nixpkgs as explained in
>> the user's manual at:
>> http://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-create-nix-builds-for-your-own-private-haskell-packages
> OK, I've managed to create a prototype nix-shell script to packaging
> (not simply building) dependencies for a Stack project. Parameters are
> explained in its header.
> https://github.com/grwlf/nixcfg/blob/unstable/ideas/unstack.sh
> It works by
> 1) Calling stack list-dependencies
> 2) Calling cabal2nix for every dependency
> 3) Producing top-level all.nix expression
> The script is not for end-users yet, it doesn't produce final
> expression to build the Stack project, only its dependencies. Also,
> small modification of  pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix is
> required: One should replace line `inherit mkDerivation callPackage;`
> with `inherit mkDerivation callPackage callPackageWithScope;`. Thus,
> callPackageWithScope function will be accessible for the script.
> Regards,
> Sergey
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