Thank you I figured it out - I simply had not specified any color scheme in 
.vimrc .  The problem was immediately gone after I added some colorscheme line 😊


-----Original Message-----
From: Guillaume Maudoux (Layus) [] 
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 23:17
Subject: Re: [Nix-dev] If anyone is using VIM and BYOBU (or Screen or Tmux) in 
256 colors - would you please send me your configuration file?

I do use screen+vim, but there is zero config in my configuration.nix related 
to that.

To support my terminal (rxvt-unicode-256color) I had to `ln -s 
./.nix-profile/share/terminfo .terminfo`, and install rxvt_unicode to the 
distant machine.

I also have `set t_Co=256` in my vim config. Maybe it helps when not 
autodetected by vim (wild guess here)? There may be more info in

Just my two cents,

-- Layus.

On 15/05/17 15:28, Yasuaki Kudo wrote:
> Yes, already tried but no luck...  Is there any good nix config file that I 
> can copy from someone 😊 that enables 256 colors,  VIM and terminal duplexer?  
>   See I use Windows and only use NixOS through SSH, a terminal duplexer is a 
> must 😊
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Sagnes []
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 21:51
> To: Yasuaki Kudo <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Nix-dev] If anyone is using VIM and BYOBU (or Screen or Tmux) 
> in 256 colors - would you please send me your configuration file?
> For tmux, having the following in your ~/.tmux.conf should be enough:
> ```
> set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
> ```
> Or running tmux with the `-2` flag should force tmux to use 256 colors:
> ```
> $ tmux -2
> ```
> On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 09:28:21PM +0900, Yasuaki Kudo wrote:
>> I just can't get VIM to work in 256 colors in any terminal duplexer, I don't
>> know what to do.   At least, when I use Byobu from NIXOS, I can run some
>> 256-color confirmation script and see that it's enabled.   However, if I
>> launch VIM, it doesn't work in 256 colors.   Exiting Byobu, VIM does work in
>> 256 colors.
>> My version is as follows:
>> 17.03.1013.bc11395603 (Gorilla)
>> Cheers
>> Yasu

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