Freddy Rietdijk <> writes:

> Hi,
> At several places in Nixpkgs we use auto-generated data, mostly for the
> larger package sets like Haskell. Sometimes we also use auto-generated sets
> for applications that may need different versions than are offered in the
> main package sets. In the past months several issues/PR's have been opened
> to add rather large Python applications to Nixpkgs, generated using
> `pypi2nix`.
> Using such tool to generate the expressions has some very big advantages.
> However, there's also a disadvantage. The expressions shouldn't only be
> updated when there's a new release of the application, but also whenever
> there's security updates in any of its generated dependencies, which the
> application maintainer now has to keep track of. Therefore, I find it quite
> a risk to have separate package sets. At the same time, we'll also likely
> run behind in the main package sets every once in a while.

Regarding the security updates, if we are able to know which versions of
libraries are used in the `pythonPackage` set and in all 'application
pythonPackage sets', in case of a CVE on a particular package version,
we could know which applications are impacted. We then have to fix them
or mark them as broken.
I don't really know how it is hard to get all python module versions
used by applications and if this would be feasable.

> What do you think of this issue? Any suggestions how we can improve this?
> Maybe we could have a server/bot that runs update scripts and opens a PR
> whenever there's an actual diff?
> Freddy
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