A very modest update to WordNet::Similarity is in the works, and will
largely focus on resolving some smaller issues that have been reported over
the last few years. We haven't had a new release since 2008, so I fear I
might have forgotten some previous bugs, suggestions, etc.

BTW, the most current version is 2.05, and so this next release will be
2.07. If you are running something less than 2.05 you may want to consider
updating, and you might want to wait a bit longer so you can jump all the
way up to 2.07.


I am working off the following bug list, and should resolve at least a few
of the smaller of these, along with some fairly limited documentation clean


If you have something you've noticed and that you don't see on that list,
I'd certainly appreciate a reminder about that. And patches for pretty much
anything are most gratefully received - for example, I am applying one
patch now that will hopefully improve WordNet version recognition on
Windows, so that should be nice.

As I say this is a very modest release, so there won't be any new measures,
etc. but hopefully it's enough to keep things running reasonably smoothly
despite the now surprising to me age of the code (first release on CPAN was
in 2003...)


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