So can I put on the website that we will have a presentation called
"Linux 101: Getting Started with Linux" at 2 PM, by Joey and Andrew?


On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Howard White <> wrote:
> On 06/09/2010 04:41 PM, JMJ wrote:
>> On 06/09/2010 04:13 PM, andrew mcelroy wrote:
>>  > I wouldn't mind collaborating with someone on a bash 101 or
>>  > linux 101 workshop/interactive presentation.
>> Depending on what you have in mind for "Linux 101" I might be able to
>> help. My first interpretation of "getting started with Linux" was to
>> answer the question "How do I check out this Linux software I've been
>> hearing/reading about?"
>> My thought was to describe how to find Linux (online sources, describe
>> different distros), try it out (live CD's, dual-booting, etc.), and how
>> to get help (e-mail lists & etiquette, asking good questions, etc.)
> < major [OT] snippage >
>> JMJ
> Joey, you are perfect for the Linux 101 topic and presentation! Specifically
> at the meeting last night, we reviewed the wide spectrum of participants.
>  One of our newer members is further past newbie than he realizes but would
> appreciate some more coaching on the "getting started" and "getting to know"
> linux topics.
> Fair warning, I plan to be out of town June 26, the day of the LinuxFest.
>  Had I not been otherwise engaged, I also would have been very happy to
> participate in said presentation.  Try to recruit a tag team.
> The progression you mention is spot on:  LiveCD, load linux on a spare
> beater computer (dual boot is a pretty advanced topic; just look at the
> fight I had last night before my presentation about GRUB2), boot from USB
> stick.  You might spend a few minutes on distributions (look at
>, a few minutes on window managers (gnome, kde, xfce,
> enlightenment).  Show and discuss gparted and partitions (note to self:
> partitions are a topic for a meeting presentation).  Pick out three
> important commands and work through looking at the man pages to discuss how
> arguments are added to commands.  Try to show as much in the graphical
> window manager and then compare to CLI.
> Just that will fill half a day  :)
> I'll try to dig out my O'Reilly linux handbooks as suggested readings on
> getting more comfortable with linux commands and CLI.
> Note to the new members: don't worry about collecting style points!  All of
> us hacked and whacked a long time to get the hang of linux; most of us (your
> humble scribe in particular) have never stopped whacking. Remember -
> experience is knowing how to make the same mistake, differently.
> Howard
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