>And, I have to ask ... 1.3?  You're not the only person still using that,
>so I'm wondering if I did something wrong, or you just haven't seen a reason
>to upgrade yet.
I'm running CentOS 5.9, so no package support.

I downloaded master for mhfixmsg this past spring, one of the more compelling
features that I can think of*, but ended up just installing it alone. I meant
to get around to doing the rest, but got sidetracked before I could make the
necessary backups and tests of things.

Although checking the docs/pending-release-notes, there were some other small
features/fixes that are nice; I remember not being able to give args to rmmproc
being an annoyance, as well as rmmproc's 1k limit... but I've been trained to
just do `rmm first:998` by now ;-)

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