David Levine <levin...@acm.org> writes:
>Norm wrote:
>> scan applied to an Email like the attached dumps core. I will send more
>> particulars, on request.
>Doesn't dump core for me, and valgrind doesn't notice anything unusual.
>I also tried with your .mh_profile that you posted 16 Nov 2016, with
>no problems.  If you have updated it since then, please send it to
>me or post it and I'll try that.

I attached it to this Email.

>If you haven't updated your profile, and you have valgrind
>installed, you might try prepending your scan invocation and see what
>it has to say:
>$ valgrind scan cur
>If you're not still running RedHat (or was it CentOS?), please let us
>know what distribution you're running.

I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.9 .

    Norman Shapiro
MH-Profile-Version: 1.0
Local-Mailbox: n...@dad.org
postproc: /home/norm/Mail/bin/postproc
Path: Mail
editor: neo
Aliasfile: aliases
repl:  -filter cite -nocc me -cc to -cc cc -anno
#: repl:  -nocc me -cc to -cc cc -anno
#: formatproc: /home/norm/lib/replyfilter
mhstore: -auto -clobber ask
nmh-storage: /t/Mime
sortm: -check -noall
Draft-folder: wind
send: -draftfolder +wind  -server smtp.tsoft.com
#: All sequences are private, i.e. recorded in context
Sequence-Negation: not
unseen-sequence: unseen
#postproc:  /usr/local/nmh/lib/post
mhl: -width 1000
moreproc: mhless
#mhshow-show-text/html:  chromium-browser && chromium-browser %F && sleep 4
#:mhshow-show-text/html: google-chrome && google-chrome %F
mhshow-show-text/html: firefox %F && sleep 4
refile: -retainsequences
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   rei...@dad.org, safe...@dad.org, s...@dad.org, s...@tsoft.com,
   sourcefo...@dad.org, spamassas...@dad.org, t...@dad.org, ubta...@dad.org,
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