
I'm tinkering with SPECS/nmh.spec and SPECS/nmh.cygport, in particular
removing the statement a GUI is required if nmh is to be used as one's
main MUA.  :-)

nmh.cygport's description suggests the xmh package, and that does exist
in Cygwin, but I don't think exmh is packaged?  And nmh.spec, presumably
the basis for the Fedora package, mentions exmh, but doesn't say
"package", and doesn't refer to xmh.

So of the four {Cygwin,Fedora}/{xmh,exmh}, is it only Cygwin/xmh that's
a package?  I'm thinking of referring to that package, but ensure both
programs are mentioned in both.

Cheers, Ralph.

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