hi.  i'd like first, of course, to thank you all for nmh!

then, i'd like to use something like fmttest(1) to print out all the
"Received:" lines in an e-mail message.  ideally, each "Received:" line
would come out on a separate line; less ideally, but i'm sure very
practical, a very long line would come out, with some odd ascii code
separating the individual lines.

any hints?

cheers, Greg

context: the problem is there are (typically) multiple "Received:"
header in an e-mail messages; can try either of these
bash% fmttest -outsize max +SOMEFOLDER 660 -format "%(putstr{received});"
bash% fmttest -outsize max +SOMEFOLDER 660 -format "%(putlit{received});"
and get either a long line, or a number of lines, but without any real
indication of how to separate the output into individual "Received"

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