[2020-03-22 14:53] Ken Hornstein <k...@pobox.com>
> >We think currently about removing the Previous-Sequence support for
> >mmh. But because we don't use it we are not sure, if we missed some
> >aspect of it. Therefor I would like to ask some questions.
> I personally find the previous-sequence rather useful myself (when you
> find, for example, the results of "pick" were rather larger than you
> expected and didn't put it in a sequence).  But that's up to you.

May I ask, why do you prefer it over the history and command line editing?

> >When and why was the Previous-Sequence introduced to mh or nmh?
> Looks like it has been around for a while.  From mh4/MHCHANGES:
> Mon Jul 16 00:21:52 1984  Rand MH mail system (agent: Marshall Rose) 
> <mh@uci-750a>
>         Install the new Previous-Sequence mechanism.  Introduce the SEQMOD
>         flag to the msgs structure.  Just about every MH program now calls
>         m_setseq () upon parsing the messages and calls m_sync() prior to
>         exiting.
> Before my time, so I can't really answer the "why".

Thanks for this info.


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