Hi Valdis,

> But wait.. there's more..  The =AF=5C screw-up is in the outbound
> file.

What produces the draft when you repl(1) to Ken's, as is the faulty QP
visible to you at the start of the edit?

> But linemode 'show' displays it correctly as well. Why did *that* work
> here but you report 
> > it doesn't display correctly here when decoded, e.g. the un-QP'd =AF
> > isn't valid UTF=8.

What's the output of ‘locale’ in that terminal window where show(1)
displays the macrons for =AF?  U+00AF and 0xaf in iso-8859-1 are both
macrons so is your terminal emulator trying to be ‘helpful’ and hiding
the illegal encoding by falling back to ISO 8859-1 rather than showing a
substitution character?  What's the emulator?  Has it any UTF-8
configuration?  How does the email show in ‘xterm -lc’?

Cheers, Ralph.

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