Ralph wrote:

> So as it stands, the bug is with the man page and Draft-Folder should be
> removed.

I'm not so sure.  I see use cases for Draft-Folder with comp and whom.
I don't with dist, forw, repl, and whatnow.  And I'm not sure about send
given this:

    send with no file argument will query whether the draft is the
    intended file, whereas -draft will suppress this question.

So to send a draft from a draftfolder non-interactively, the user
would have to use "send -draft -draftfolder drafts".  That seems too
cumbersome to me.

There is a typo in the mh-draft man page:

    will  construct the message draft in the ‘draft’ folder using the
    ‘new’ message number.

should say 'drafts' folder given these example profile entries:

    Draft−Folder: drafts
    sendf: −draftfolder +drafts

> This is a perennial problem.  I normally bring up Python's ‘from future
> import ...’ method of requesting new behaviour.

I don't think the benefits are worth the trouble we'd face when
diagnosing user problems.  We'd have to figure out what behavior the
asked for vs what they think they asked for.


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