doug wrote in
 |I'm an old Unix system admin command line type, and I love MH/nmh.
 |I let the Mac and PC worlds distract me for a bit, but I'm really tired \
 |of dealing with Calendar, Outlook, and the like, especially when Microsoft \
 |is threating to change the user interface again.  Is there a calendaring \
 |program that uses a similar structure to nmh behind the scenes?  If \
 |one doesn't exist, I might have to make one of my own.

remind?  From Diane Skoll (
(But note: _really_ "similar":

  REM Thu Nov [Week_4]    SCANFROM -7 ADDOMIT MSG %"Thanksgiving Day%"
  REM Fri Nov [Week_4+1]  SCANFROM -7 ADDOMIT MSG %"Thanksgiving (cont.)%"
  OMIT    Dec 24          MSG %"Christmas Eve%"
  OMIT    Dec 25          MSG %"Christmas%" Day)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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