Dear NONMEM Users,

I'd like to get some advice from you with regard to how to handle the pre-first 
dose PK observation when the drug is not an endogenous substance.

I tried too different approaches, one approach is treating them as missing 
values (DV=0, EVID=0, MDV=1), another is treating them as true 0s (DV=0, 
EVID=0, MDV=0). My error structure is proportional + additive. There were very 
little difference for all parameters except for the SD of the additive error. 
When these pre-first dose concentrations were treated as missing, the estimated 
omega for additive error is 3.92, and when they were treated as true 0s, the 
sigma became 2.85.

To me, in theory, these values provide no information about the model 
parameters because the system will predict them to be 0 at time 0 anyway for 
any point in the parameter space. Is what happened here that because DV is 
exactly the same as prediction, therefore the estimation of additive residual 
error variance has been brought down?

Which way is more appropriate? I'd really appreciate it if you can share your 

Yaming Hang, Ph.D.
Biogen Idec
14 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
Office: 781-464-1741
Fax: 617-679-2804

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