We are pleased to announce that SGS Exprimo is running a public two-day 
Clinical Trial Simulation course on Thursday and Friday 2-3 November in 
Germany, together with Professor Charlotte Kloft's team at Freie Universität 

The course on Thursday will introduce attendees to Simulo, a platform for 
PK-PD-Disease model-based simulations developed for 6 years and now available 
to the public. The user-friendly interface can specify complex behavior 
(adaptive trials, interim analysis, complex dose adaptation, adverse events) in 
a flexible way, as the simulation uses an R backend. The resulting R-script may 
be applied outside of Simulo in any R environment. After this session, you will 
be capable of running your own clinical trial simulations. You will receive a 
free license to the software.

The course on Friday presents a theoretical framework on all aspects of model 
simulation: model selection, adaptation, evaluation, clinical trial simulation 
and clinical trial optimization. All practical examples will be demonstrated 
using Simulo.

Both courses are provided free of charge. Only 10 places will be available. For 
more information and registration, please visit our website 
www.exprimo.com<http://www.exprimo.com> and/or contact 
We look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards,

Quentin Leirens
Agriculture, Food and Life
Life Science Services - Exprimo

Phone: +32 67 33 98 55
E-mail: quentin.leir...@sgs.com<mailto:quentin.leir...@sgs.com>
Web: www.exprimo.com

SGS Exprimo NV
Generaal De Wittelaan 19A Bus 5
B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Switchboard: +32 15 27 32 45

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