Dear Bernard,

The user guide for scm seems to indicate that for the functionality of 
time-varying covariates, you need to estimate the standard deviation of the 
residual error as THETAS(s) (with SIGMAS(s) fixed to 1):
(see option “time_varying")

One more thing, before you switch to estimating the magnitude of the residual 
error as a fixed effect: notice that W should represent the standard deviation 
of the residual error (IRES in my example code below), and SIGMA(1,1) would 
generally represent the variance.
Below, I provide the code that I would use for the additive error with SIGMA 
(the code with SIGMA fixed is provided in the scm user guide, under 

Best wishes


For other users, it should be noted that for covariates that are mostly varying 
between individuals, and just slightly over time (e.g. WT in adults), the 
option -time_varying in scm will have little or no impact.
But in this case, if another covariates is mostly varying over time, one may as 
well include WT among the ones listed as time varying (assuming WT was measured 
multiple times).

Example code for estimating additive error model with sigma estimated.

IPRED  = [Model specific equation, or F]

ADD    = SQRT(SIGMA(1,1))
SD     = ADD

Y      = IPRED + EPS(1)

Jakob Ribbing, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant, Pharmetheus AB

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On 05 Oct 2017, at 15:38, Bernard Ngara <> wrote:

> Dear users
> I was trying to fit a covariate model using SCM approach in PsN with the code:
> model = run1.mod
> logfile=run1.log
> search_direction = both
> p_forward=0.05
> p_backward=0.01
> continuous_covariates=CD4,HWT,BWT,HT,BMI,AGE,TOAR,VAS
> categorical_covariates=LNGTH,SEX,REGIMEN,CARE,EDU,WHO,BMI4AGE
> time_varying =CD4,HWT,BMI,AGE,TOAR,VAS
> [test_relations]
> [valid_states]
> continuous = 1,2
> categorical = 1,2
> The run fails and gives the following error message:
> Starting scm forward search
> Could not find assignment to W in $PRED needed for time_varying at 
> C:/Portable_PKPD/Perl/bin/..\site\lib\PsN_4_7_0/tool/ line 5764.
> However I do have the W in the model file as:
> IF(DVID.EQ.1) W=SIGMA(2,2) ; 
> IF(DVID.EQ.2) W=SIGMA(4,4)
> The baseline model runs well with stability and reasonable estimates of 
> parameters but I am facing a challange on implementing the SCM.
> Kind regards
> -- 
> Bernard Ngara
> Biostatistician
> Harare
> Zimbabwe
> +263 776 971 400

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