Dear all,

PAGE is getting closer and the available seats in the Simulo (Exprimo's unique 
clinical trail simulator) workshop getting fewer. Please save you seat now!
Check out the details here:

SGS Exprimo is running a two-day Clinical Trial Simulation course on Monday and 
Tuesday 28-29 May.
*    The course on Monday will introduce attendees to Simulo, a PK-PD-Disease 
model simulator developed for 6 years and now available to the public. The 
user-friendly interface can specify complex behavior (adaptive trials, interim 
analysis, complex dose adaptation, adverse events) in a flexible way, as the 
simulation uses an R backend. The resulting R-script may be applied outside of 
Simulo in any R environment. After this session, you will be capable of running 
your own clinical trial simulations. You will receive a free license to the 
*    The course on Tuesday presents a theoretical framework on all aspects of 
model simulation: model selection, adaptation, evaluation, clinical trial 
simulation and clinical trial optimization. All practical examples will be 
demonstrated using Simulo.
Cost: 180 euro per day to cover the room, lunch and coffee breaks. Only 30 
places will be available for both sessions. Priority will be given to attendees 
registering for both sessions.

For more information and registration, please contact

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