*At Pharmetheus, we love to talk pharmacometrics! *

Therefore, during the PAGE meeting in Montreux, Pharmetheus will offer
professional pharmacometric consulting sessions (15-30 min), free of
charge. Note that these sessions are open to *everyone (including students
and post-docs)* and independent of any current or future plans to use our
services. Pharmetheus’ senior experts are available to give input on a wide
range of pharmacometric topics, offering strategic as well as hands-on
assistance concerning small as well as large molecules and drug projects in
all development phases. Examples of topics below (not limited to):

   - Study/experimental design (e.g. optimal design, clinical trial
   simulations and adaptive design methodology)
   - Pharmacometrics methodology (e.g. covariate model building, mechanism
   based model building and model qualification)
   - Physiology based pharmacokinetics modelling (PBPK)
   - Model-informed drug development strategy
   - Regulatory strategy for clinical pharmacology and pharmacometric
   - General drug development strategy
   - Pharmacometric approaches to analyse discreet data (e.g. time-to-event
   and count data)
   - Mechanism based PK modelling (e.g. enzyme induction/inhibition, target
   mediated drug disposition and complex absorption)
   - Mechanism based model building in therapeutic areas such as;
   neuroscience, haematology, diabetes, oncology, inflammation, infectious
   disease, respiratory disease and many more)
   - Translational modelling (e.g. pre-clinical to clinical and adult to
   paediatric populations)
   - Career advice for junior pharmacometricians
   - Pearl-Speaks-NONMEM (PsN) user support. Kajsa Harling, one of the main
   developers of PsN, is available to answer your questions.
   - R programming and reproducible reporting approaches

If you want to read more about the Pharmetheus consultants and their
respective competences you can do so on our website www.pharmetheus.com.

Confidentiality agreement (CDA) will be arranged ahead of the meeting for
those that need that. Just make sure to indicate this as you sign up for a
consultancy session on our website
http://www.pharmetheus.com/speed-consulting/*. *The deadline for
applications is the 23rd of May and time slots will be communicated by 27th
of May. Please note that available time slots are limited and if a CDA is
required, this may require some extra time to put in place ahead of the
meeting. Sign up as soon as possible to give us a chance to help you tackle
your challenges.

We look forward to hear back from you, and to see you in Montreux!

The Pharmetheus Team

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