Oh, I forgot to mention nlmixr’s precision is not too shabby in comparison to 
the industry standard in a recent simulation study.

This is not the fairest and most comprehensive comparison out there.  The 
promising results suggest a more thorough study is warranted.

Wenping Wang

From: owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com<mailto:owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com> 
<owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com<mailto:owner-nmus...@globomaxnm.com>> On Behalf 
Of Wang, Wenping
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 12:29 PM
To: nmusers@globomaxnm.com<mailto:nmusers@globomaxnm.com>
Subject: [NMusers] nlmixr 1.0 released on github

Today is a bit milestone for nlmixr: nlmixr released its version 1.0 on github 

In October 2016, nlmixr announced its birth at the ACoP in Seattle.  The 
assignment of version 0.6 to the initial nlmixr was not completely arbitrary or 
without consideration.  The nlmixr team felt nlmixr then was far from a 
finished product.  Time flies in this short two years, now nlmixr the new kid 
has finally made the first baby step.  We, the nlmixr team, are rather proud of 
nlmixr’s first step.  We believe this release of nlmixr is solid for the 
following reasons:

-       A comprehensive collection of non-linear mixed effect (nlme) model 
algorithms: First Order Conditional Estimate (FOCE), First Order Conditional 
Estimate with interaction (FOCEi), Adaptive Gaussian quadrature (with Laplacian 
approximation as a special case), and Stochastic Approximation 
Estimation-Maximization (SAEM).

-       A minimalist, intuitive, expressive, and domain-specific nlme modeling 

-       The capability of joint modeling of multiple endpoints.

-       A revamped SAEM engine with improved speed and stability.

-       The capability of out-of-box Visual Predictive Checks (VPC) after a 
model fit.

-       The capability of out-of-box sophisticated Clinical Trial Simulation 
(CTS) after a model fit.

-       The capability of an out-of-box comprehensive diagnostic kit with a 
direct hook to xpose after a model fit.

-       The capability of modeling “odd type” data, including binary data, 
count data, and bounded clinical endpoint (e.g., ADAS-cog has a range of 0 to 

-       Parallel computing ODE solving via the openmp package -- an industry's 
first among the current population PK/PD simulators to the best of our 

-       An intuitive, powerful, graphic user interface (GUI) based project 
manager in shinyMixR.
The nlmixr team has been overwhelmed and humbled by the heart-felt outpouring 
of support, enthusiasm and care to this free and open-source tool from the 
global pharmacometrics community since nlmixr’s arrival.  Your constructive 
criticism and suggestions have made nlmixr so much better than its first public 
release.  nlmixr is still not a finished product.  We hope the added 
functionality and stability would make your modeling experience more enjoyable. 
 We hope you like this nlmixr release and continue to support this 
community-based nlme tool.

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