Dear all,

The 3rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs 
(ICPAD) will take place on 8-9 November 2018 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The workshop is specifically designed to provide the clinical pharmacology and 
modelling communities with a stand-alone, state-of-the-art platform where 
recent data in oncology can be presented and discussed.

The program can be found 
 The sessions include

  *   Pharmacological challenges of immunotherapeutics
  *   Dose individualization approaches
  *   Combination therapy – old school is becoming a new school again
  *   Drug-Drug / Drug-Food / Drug-Environmental interactions
  *   Approaches to shorten phase II studies by the use of different readout 
  *   PK/PD studies and new strategies

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting workshop in November!

Kind regards,
Lena Friberg on behalf of the Organizing committee

Lena Friberg<>, PhD
Professor in Pharmacometrics
Pharmacometrics research group
Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Uppsala University
Box 591, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 18 471 4685<>

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