Presenters: Robert Bauer, PhD; Brian Sadler, PhD and Indrajit Das, PhD

Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to introduce advanced concepts of population 
pharmacokinetics in NONMEM.  The course is targeted to individuals interested 
in solving population PK/PD problems using the new stochastic methods.  The 
course is for those who are familiar with classic NONMEM methods (first order 
(FO)/first order conditional estimation (FOCE)/Laplace), and are familiar with 
constructing control stream files.  Most of the course is instructional, with 
several hands-on examples for attendee participation. A thorough discussion of 
stochastic approximation expectation maximization (SAEM), Importance sampling 
(IMP), and Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian analysis (Gibbs BAYES sampling and 
new in NONMEM7.4: Hamiltonian no-U turn sampling(NUTS)) will be presented, 
along with hands-on exercises.  In addition, the FAST algorithm for FOCE 
analysis, new in NONMEM 7.4, will be introduced.  After attending this course, 
the participant will know how to use advanced stochastic methods for analyzing 
population PK/PD data; structure the models into a MU-referencing format that 
will greatly increase the efficiency of the analyses; apply prior information 
from previous analyses to the present data; create population mixture models; 
create models for categorical data; use new abbreviated code features for 
easier modeling of inter-occasion variability; model additional mixed effects 
levels for grouping individuals, such as inter-clinical site variability; use 
the DO loop feature in abbreviated code, such as for handling multiple bolus 
doses in transit compartment models that use the analytical absorption 
function.  Additional topics covered are: parallel computing and dynamic memory 
allocation for efficient memory usage; symbolic referencing to thetas, etas, 
and sigmas; Monte Carlo search algorithms to improve FOCE estimation; built-in 
individual weighted residuals; bootstrap tools for simulation; and greater 
control in average eta shrinkage calculations; and automatic protection against 
numerical exceptions using NONMEM7.4’s new $ABBR PROTECT feature.
This course, the Beginners/Intermediate course, and the Modeling Delays course 
are part of one series. Interested parties may register for the first two days, 
the third day, the fourth day or any combination of the three courses.
The fees for the course are as follows:

Industry - $800/per day
Academia - $700/per day
Student - $600/per day
A discount of 15% is available to groups of 3 or more participants from the 
same organization.
Contact Lisa Wilhelm-Lear at<> for more information 
and to register.

Deadline for registration is:  April 4, 2019

Lisa R. Wilhelm-Lear
Customer Service Lead
NONMEM / PDxPoP Software

Phone:  301-944-6771
Fax: 215-789-9549<><>

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