Subject: WCoP 2020 - Abstract submission reminder + Scientific program out now!

Dear all,
A reminder about the regular abstract submission for WCoP 2020, which closes on 
October 31st.

We are proud to announce an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and an 
overview of the scientific symposia

Additionally, as announced before, we have opportunities for travel bursaries, 
please check the link below

Looking forward to seeing you at WCoP,
on behalf of the WCoP Organising Committee

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        WCoP 2020 in Cape Town - Submit your abstract + Travel 
bursaries available
Date:   Thu, 3 Oct 2019 10:51:56 +0200
From:   Paolo Denti <><>
Organisation:   University of Cape Town

Dear colleagues and friends,
This is a reminder about the upcoming World Conference on Pharmacometrics, 
hosted in Cape Town on the 6-9 of April 2020.

The regular abstract submission is open until October 31st
As previously announced, all abstracts presented at WCoP 2020 will be published 
in a special supplement to CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology.

Additionally, we are excited to announce that, thanks to the generous 
contributions of our sponsors, we are able to offer travel bursaries to 
students and researchers who have difficulty leveraging funding to support 
their attendance of WCoP.  Funding is limited, so only participants who are 
presenting author on an accepted poster or oral presentation will be 
considered. The applications will be judged on a case-by-case basis by the 
Bursary Committee, who will consider financial need, travel costs, and the 
personal motivation provided by each candidate. The deadline for submission of 
Travel Bursaries is also on October 31st, so make sure you remember about this 
after submitting your abstract.

Stay tuned for news about the scientific program. We have received a large 
number of exciting proposals and we will be sharing the program soon.

Finally, if you need further information about WCoP 2020, look out for Valerie 
Pernot and myself at the WCoP stand at the upcoming ACoP meeting in Orlando.

And if you want to keep in touch, please feel free to like us on Facebook, our 
page is called “WCoP - World Conference on Pharmacometrics”

We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts and to seeing you in Cape 
Town for WCoP 2020!

Best regards,
Paolo Denti
on behalf of the WCoP Organising Committee

Paolo Denti, PhD
A/Prof of Pharmacometrics
Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Department of Medicine
University of Cape Town

K45 Old Main Building
Groote Schuur Hospital
Observatory, Cape Town
7925 South Africa
phone: +27 21 404 7719
fax: +27 021 650 5410

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