Dear NMusers,

The European Training Network (ETN) TIPAT: Training towards Innovative 
Personalized Antibiotic Therapy is recruiting 2 PhD students focused on 
pharmacometric/PKPD modeling at Uppsala University:  The last day of 
application for these positions is June 18.

TIPAT offers a cutting-edge training-by-research program for in total 15 Early 
Stage Researchers (ESRs) in Europe who will investigate translation and 
integration of biological and pharmacological data related to 
drug-pathogen-host interactions towards personalized therapies. Central to the 
TIPAT research and training program of ESRs is the combination of state-of-the 
art quantitative modelling with approaches in clinical pharmacology, immunology 
and microbiology.

More information about TIPAT and other TIPAT PhD positions can be found at<>

Best wishes,

Lena Friberg and Elisabet Nielsen

Lena Friberg<>, PhD
Professor in Pharmacometrics
Pharmacometrics research group
Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences
Uppsala University
Box 591, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden

Phone: +46 18 471 4685<>

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