Building Kinetic Models with Complex Drug-Protein Interactions: application to 
the targeted inhibition of MAPK signaling in cancer
Luca Gerosa, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology, 
Harvard Medical School
Wednesday January 20, 2021, 12:00 to 1:00 pm EDT
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A key goal in the field of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) is the 
construction of mechanistic models able to predict drug efficacy. A major 
challenge in building such models is the necessity to properly describe highly 
cooperative drug-protein and protein-protein interactions that govern the 
functioning of biochemical networks. In this seminar, I will show how Ordinary 
Differential Equations (ODEs) models comprising large numbers of drug-protein 
and protein-protein interactions can be efficiently built using rule-based 
modelling and energy-based descriptions of molecular cooperativity.
The modelling framework I will present is based on an extension of the Python 
Systems Biology (PySB) toolbox to incorporate energy-based specifications 
supported by BioNetGen (eBNG). The resulting framework allows modelers to write 
large ODEs models as compact Python programs in which molecular cooperativity 
is specified as free energy contributions and detailed balance is satisfied by 
construction. As a case study, I will show that the framework allows the 
accurate description of high-order cooperativity interactions between 
components of the MAPK signaling pathway and targeted kinase inhibitors and 
that the inclusion of such interactions predicts clinically-relevant drug 
resistance mechanisms in skin and colorectal cancers.

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