The Ravaging Respiratory Infection: Fighting Influenza Using Mechanistic Models
Amber M. Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Wednesday March 17, 2021, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EDT
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Respiratory viruses, including influenza virus, cause a significant number of 
infections each year and are traditionally difficult to treat. This is in part 
due to the short window where antivirals are efficacious. But, if we can 
effectively forecast the tit-for-tat between the pathogen and the host, we may 
be able to identify new preventative and therapeutic regimens that are more 
In this webinar, I will show how we can use an integrative model-experiment 
exchange to establish the dynamical connections between virus spread in the 
lung, control by host immune responses, lung damage inflicted throughout the 
infection, and how these relate to disease severity.
I will describe the mathematical models and analyses and how experiments can be 
designed to validate the model predictions and gain confidence in our ability 
to predict disease progression,  potential complications, and therapeutic 
options and efficacy.

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