Today, the FDA's Division of Pediatrics and Maternal Health (DPMH) launched the 
"Send Your Pediatric Research Questions to 
FDA"<> crowdsourcing challenge. 
DPMH is using this challenge to provide an opportunity for interested 
stakeholders to submit ideas for research using pooled analyses of pediatric 
clinical trial data directly to FDA's scientific staff.

In recent years, FDA's scientists have published numerous pooled analyses that 
have advanced pediatric regulatory science. Pooled analyses have been used to 
deepen understanding of extrapolation of adult efficacy data, investigate 
relationships between biomarkers and different clinical endpoints used in 
regulatory submissions, and explore the use of innovative trial designs in 
small populations. However, DPMH wants to hear your ideas for research 
questions with potential to accelerate or inform pediatric drug development 
that can be addressed with pooled analysis.
After this challenge ends, DPMH may select questions for possible future 
analyses by FDA staff. Please note that individuals who submit research 
questions will not obtain access to data or collaborate in any new research 
studies initiated by FDA.
Submissions to this challenge must be received by August 20, 2021.

Please share this information with other colleagues who may be interested in 
submitting research ideas.

Best regards,

Lily Mulugeta, PharmD

Associate Director, Policy and Research (Acting)

Division of Pediatrics and Maternal Health, ORPURM

Office of New Drugs

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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