>   [ Wireless and wired technologies have fundamental differences that
>     can indeed make differing billing and regulatory approaches
>     reasonable.  What's really problematic is the way carriers have
>     pushed flat-rate data plans in both spheres and now, after
>     subscribers are "addicted," want to switch to measured models.
>     One might almost suspect that this was the plan all along, hmm?
>        -- Lauren Weinstein
>           NNSquad Moderator ]

A part of me, though, responds to the above with a hearty, "Right, but
that's capitalism." Business always seek to maximize their revenue stream.
The real problem, then, is that there's not enough competition (a familiar
refrain in this forum). The bits in question are controlled, by and large,
by an oligopoly. The rare wireless ISP is just that--rare. Until a more
competitive ISP landscape exists (if ever), the Internet bit-consumer will
be as screwed as the typical television watcher.
Brian Clapper, http://www.clapper.org/bmc/

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