"I Fell Victim to a $1,500 Used Camera Lens Scam on Amazon"


        "The seller knew Amazon's system. When I made the order, they
        shipped a box of baking maps to Mr. "S"'s address in Gilberts,
        Illinois, and then used the tracking number for my order.  I
        contacted Amazon customer service on July 10th because the
        seller didn't respond and I already knew the package didn't
        come to my address. Each contact was on the phone with
        Customer Service, who then forwards a short message to the
        A-to-Z claims people ..."

 - - -

By the way, the only stuff that I buy on Amazon is an occasional
inexpensive software download. That's it. I don't like the way they do
business or the way they treat many of their employees.

Lauren Weinstein (lau...@vortex.com): https://www.vortex.com/lauren 
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         PRIVACY Forum: https://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
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Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
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