Interior Official Compared Parkland Students To Nazis, Promoted Conspiracies

        A high-ranking official at the Interior Department's Bureau of
        Reclamation has repeatedly shared conspiracy theories on his
        personal Facebook page, a review by TPM found, including posts
        calling the students who survived the Parkland school shooting
        "Nazis" and alleging the massacre was a staged false flag.
        Kevin Sabo, who was originally hired for a career position in
        budget analysis at the DOI in 2016, was promoted to the
        political role of acting chief of the Office of Congressional
        and Legislative Affairs at the Bureau of Reclamation when the
        Trump administration came into power in 2017 ... But his
        career took a downturn in 2000, when he was convicted of
        "attempted malicious wounding" for cutting the brakes on his
        ex-girlfriend's car, causing her to crash. He was sentenced to
        18 months in prison. Because of the felony, Sabo was disbarred
        in DC in 2003. He petitioned to be readmitted to the bar in DC
        in 2011 and was denied -- in part because he pleaded guilty to
        another criminal charge in 2009 that involved taking items
        from a Home Depot without paying for them and attempting to
        return them. The charge was "larceny by false pretenses," and
        was dismissed after Sabo paid a fine and completed community
        service hours.

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