On Nov 18, 2008, at 2:18 PM, eric g wrote:

> Hello. First off, I'm very glad I happened to stumble upon this app. I
> have been looking for I think this exact thing for the past year or
> more, but have only come in contact with all the others.
Hi Eric,

Welcome to MoneyWell!

> I'm having trouble with the app crashing when I first open it. Also,
> if it doesn't crash and I try to download my bank user name and
> password, it says "The direct connection failed... [HTTP 400] There
> was a problem communicating with this financial institution." I bank
> with Wells Fargo, I know my user name and password are correct, and
> I've tried early this morning and just now (noon) several times. I can
> login fine with the same info directly to wellsfargo.com.
The login you use for banks websites isn't always the same as the one  
you would use in a software app like MoneyWell. Sometimes a financial  
institution will require you to pay for access or at least tell them  
that your web login will be used in this manner.

There could also be a problem with MoneyWell talking to Wells Fargo  
that we need to debug. If you could send me the ofxlog.txt file I  
would appreciate it. You can find it in your ~/Library/Application  
Support/MoneyWell folder.

As for the startup crash, please try deleting your preferences (~/ 
Library/Preferences/com.NoThirst.MoneyWell.plist) and then run  
MoneyWell again.

> Also, running 10.4.11 with 768 RAM on an older dual 450mhz G4. I had
> installed 1.3 and it was running while I installed 1.4 the first time
> and ran it (so they were running at the same time). Please let me know
> if there's any other info I can give.
> Looking forward to trying it out!

Running both 1.3 and 1.4 at the same time is fine but you can't open  
the same file on each. Make sure you have use a different file with  
1.4. Also, that is a very tough computer to run modern apps on (I have  
a 500Mhz. G4 PowerBook with 768MB RAM as a test box so I feel your  
pain). You probably need to look at upgrading to a newer computer soon  
or at least bump the memory up (1 GB or more if you can). Low memory +  
slow processors = painful app speeds.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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