On Dec 2, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Christopher Larson wrote:

> I'm curious about the behavior of the bucket balances when you click
> on a month other than the current one in the graph.  They all go
> empty.  I presume that's intended, but I could see it showing what the
> balances were at the end of that month, also, which would make it easy
> to see at a glance how you did relative to your budget last month, or
> what have you.  Just curious on usage, what's the best method to see
> how I did last month, other than clicking bucket by bucket and
> watching the graph?

Hi Chris,

The buckets only show available cash at this time and even still in  
1.4 but there are plans to expand that functionality to allow you to  
get quick snapshots of your spending history. The best method to view  
historic spending across all buckets is to use the graphs. These have  
been improved in 1.4.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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