On Dec 12, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Christopher Larson wrote:

> I'd like to suggest a couple little features for the usability of the
> allocate income panel.  I'm thinking that:
> 1) it'd be nice to be able to choose "None" under the Monthly Timing
> dropdown, for income that's a windfall, and which you want to manually
> allocate to specific buckets rather than obeying the spending plan


There is a "No Plan" frequency setting for a bucket that lets you  
manually allocate income and exclude it from the spending plan because  
the cash flow for that bucket is too irregular. In this case, you'd  
use a manual drag and drop method to create a money flow to or from  
this bucket.

> 2) it'd be cool to improve the keyboard usability a bit.  I noticed
> that to switch from the new flow from one bucket to the next, you have
> to hit tab to remove focus from the new flow input box, then hit down,
> then tab again to give focus to the next new flow input box.  If
> there's no way to access the other fields for a given bucket with the
> keyboard, why not have tab go directly from one new flow box to the
> next? :)

I agree that the flow could be better here but I didn't spend a lot of  
time on it since most people don't change many of these new flow  
amounts. I'll look at improving it in future releases. Thanks.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

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