Thanks Lance,

Well answered. One additional fact: Aliases are tested against by  
length. This means if you have two memorized transactions:

Angel Bakery

And each has a matching alias, MoneyWell will use them in the order  

Let's say the second is all that appears in the bank download for  
Angel Apparel. MoneyWell will assign the first to groceries if it  
finds the full alias in a payee or memo and then test for just "angel"  
if the first is not matched.

This let's you specify very specific matches when possible and then a  
catch all for other matches.


Kevin Hoctor
No Thirst Software LLC

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:02 AM, Lance <> wrote:

> On Apr 16, 10:40 pm, fielding <> wrote:
>>    1) How do the Aliases affect memorized transactions: Are they a
>> list of [OR] operators? For example, when I import bank activity the
>> same credit card auto-payments are listed like BILLPAY CITIBANK
>> 9020145, BILLPAY CITIBANK 9038234, etc. Sometimes Moneywell doesn't
>> catch all the items that should be grouped together. When I add an
>> alias to the memorized transaction like "BILLPAY CITIBANK" to try and
>> capture all the Citibank items, how do I make that affect new
>> transactions? Update Similar Transactions doesn't seem to do it.
> Yes the aliases are effectively ORed together. Manually creating an
> alias that has the common portion of the payee name like you have done
> is the way to go.
>>    2) How do you edit a memorized transaction? For example, say I
>> discover a typo in the Payee name of a transaction that got  
>> memorized.
>> How do i edit the Payee, and have it update across all transactions
>> that use that memorized transaction?
> In the Memorized panel, click on the memorized transaction you want to
> edit and then use the pane on the right to edit the details. Note that
> these changes will only affect transactions that you download or
> import from this point forward ... not anything that is already in
> your register.
> -Lance
> >

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